Video,Race against time to save stranded whales,Bollywood bets on small screen as cinemas stay shut,The fireman 'saving what's not burnt' of the Amazon. Dozens of fires are burning out of control throughout Northern California as fire resources are spread thin,Students use their mobile phones as flashlights at an anti-government rally at Mahidol University in Nakhon Pathom. Voici ce que l’on sait.Cette vidéo est intégrée à un site mis en ligne le 1er février. Video,The fireman 'saving what's not burnt' of the Amazon,Schitt's Creek wins nine awards at the Emmys. One of these discussions dating from May 2018 evokes an intimate video exchange carried out shortly before. The most insightful comments on all subjects will be published daily in dedicated articles. Omnion Cultural fights for the independence of Catalonia,The Moria refugee camp, two days after Greece's biggest migrant camp, was destroyed by fire. “La République en Marche is strong. "My family does not deserve this. Our journalists will try to respond by joining the threads when they can to create a true meeting of independent Premium. MP LREM has given up on running for municipal elections after compromising images attributed to him have been diff,The Police Amendments to the "General Police Regulations" come into effect, "media representatives" must have registered with the Information Services Department,The temperature continues to decrease to around its levels in most regions,600 MMADs will be built on the northern border; Chairman of the settlement line settlements: "Demand 10,000" - Walla! You can also choose to be emailed when someone replies to your comment.The existing Open Comments threads will continue to exist for those who do not subscribe to Independent Premium. Une vidéo et une correspondance intimes diffusées sur internet et attribuées au candidat ont été dévoilées ce matin et ont entrainé le retrait de la candidature à la mairie de Paris de Benjamin Griveaux.Le site internet a diffusé les échanges concernés et les vidéos pornographiques envoyées par l’ex-candidat à la mairie de Paris.Please enter your username or email address to reset your password.Cédric Villani réagit au retrait de Benjamin Griveaux !Un youtubeur condamné à un an de prison ferme pour harcèlement moral.VIDÉO – Comprenez-vous que ce professeur tatoué de la tête au pied soit interdit d’exercer en maternelle ?SCANDALE dans la police : Un policier de 37 ans porte plainte contre ses collègues !Tour de France : Une équipe soupçonnée de dopage !CORONAVIRUS – Plus de 5 000 nouvelles contaminations et plus de 50 morts en France.Affaire Pilarski : Le chien Curtis a une nouvelle fois été expertisé !Paramètres de Gestion de la Confidentialité. "I don't mind people having the sexuality they want, they can even kiss animals, no problem, but they have to be honest," he tries to justify.On Tuesday, he had offered the content to Mediapart, which had refused to publish it, the news site said.A regular critic of Russian power, Pavlenski has had several media hits for several years.He notably sewed his mouth to defend freedom of expression in support of the Pussy Riot group in 2012, before attaching his testicles to the ground on Red Square, in Moscow, in 2013. VIDEO. "We discussed together the risks involved as well as the legal framework, details the lawyer.I made sure that he was fully aware of the risks he was taking and that he was not acting impulsively.The author of the anti-Macron pamphlet "Twilight" also said that he helped the Russian activist "verify its source". "Yes, the climate is frightening when 10,000 people are arrested when they simply wanted to demonstrate and 25 people are counted dead," he says. The laws mean any intrusion into a person’s personal or “intimate” life is, in serious cases, punishable by fines and prison sentences.Olivia Grégoire, a LREM MP, told journalists outside Griveaux’s campaign headquarters that the candidate had made the decision to stand down alone.“It’s the decision of a free man. No-one should ever be subjected to such abuse," he said.On Sunday, French Health Minister Agnès Buzyn said she would be replacing Mr Griveaux as the En Marche party's candidate for mayor of Paris.The 35-year-old first gained notoriety by nailing his scrotum to Moscow's Red Square in 2013. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites.Alexandra de Taddeo is the girlfriend of activist Petr Pavlensky. Interpellé et mis en examen pour avoir diffusé une vidéo intime de Benjamin Griveaux, alors candidat LREM à la mairie de Paris, Piotr Pavlenski s'estime victime d'une injustice. Abe announced he will resign over health problems, in a bombshell development that kicks off a leadership contest in the world's third-largest economy,Residents take cover behind a tree trunk from rubber bullets fired by South African Police Service (SAPS) in Eldorado Park, near Johannesburg, during a protest by community members after a 16-year old boy was reported dead,People scatter rose petals on a statue of Mother Teresa marking her 110th birth anniversary in Ahmedabad,An aerial view shows beach-goers standing on salt formations in the Dead Sea near Ein Bokeq, Israel,Health workers use a fingertip pulse oximeter and check the body temperature of a fisherwoman inside the Dharavi slum during a door-to-door Covid-19 coronavirus screening in Mumbai,People carry an idol of the Hindu god Ganesh, the deity of prosperity, to immerse it off the coast of the Arabian sea during the Ganesh Chaturthi festival in Mumbai, India,Firefighters watch as flames from the LNU Lightning Complex fires approach a home in Napa County, California,Members of the Israeli security forces arrest a Palestinian demonstrator during a rally to protest against Israel's plan to annex parts of the occupied West Bank,A man pushes his bicycle through a deserted road after prohibitory orders were imposed by district officials for a week to contain the spread of the Covid-19 in Kathmandu,A car burns while parked at a residence in Vacaville, California. Accused of sexual assault by a young Russian actress in December 2016, he fled to France by denouncing a coup mounted by the Russian authorities to harm him.It was there that he obtained political refugee status five months later.In January 2019, he was sentenced to one year in prison for burning down a branch of the Banque de France, Place de la Bastille, in 2017.According to Mediapart, he was wanted by the French police since December 31 because of a violent brawl that occurred on the evening of last Christmas Eve.What do we know about the person who claims to have received the messages?We don't know much about the identity of the person with whom Benjamin Griveaux would have exchanged on social networks.On the screenshots, his identity is blurred.Piotr Pavlenski told Liberation that he obtained these captures from a "source" who allegedly had a consensual relationship with Benjamin Griveaux.He refuses to specify how he obtained the video, arguing that this source was "protected".But it is unclear exactly where the images came from, or how they got there.This may be due to hacking or due to personal revenge or even a set-up.After it went online on Wednesday, the article is initially not very shared.The big boost came the next day, at 6.15pm, when the deputy (ex-LREM) Joachim Son-Forget shared it on Twitter to his more than 60,000 subscribers.Contacted in the evening by Le Parisien, he denied any intention "to harm the candidate for mayor of Paris".Before him, only four Internet users had tweeted the famous link, according to a census that we established Friday afternoon from the messages still online.Once Son-Forget's tweet is published, many accounts relay it.An anonymous post, published on Mediapart in the early evening Thursday before being deleted, ensures in particular that the "young woman who leaked these videos" would like "to remain anonymous" but that she would have "made it known that she was willing to give additional evidence "if Benjamin Griveaux were to" deny the facts ".The number of searches on Google with the keyword "Benjamin Griveaux" will explode overnight during Thursday to Friday.The lawyer, a fierce critic of Macronie, claims a role of "legal advisor" to Piotr Pavlenski, whom he is close to, before the famous video is put online. The president says he will name a replacement to the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg by Saturday.© 2020 BBC. Despite his struggles, the hope is not lost,Macron’s new year address falls flat as pension row deepens. En marge de sa déclaration, Benjamin Griveaux a indiqué s’être,Alors que la rumeur se diffusait, l’équipe de campagne tentait d’éteindre le feu, et convoquait les élus et candidats vendredi à 09h au siège de LREM, «.Poursuivez votre lecture sur ce(s) sujet(s) :Risques de chute et de commotion cérébrale: Xiaomi rappelle ses trottinettes MI365.Benjamin Griveaux: qui est Joachim Son-Forget, le député qui a relayé les vidéos intimes?Lille: un Buffet vendu 185000€ aux enchères chez Mercier,retirer sa candidature après la diffusion d’une vidéo,Mediapart qui avait refusé de les publier.Benjamin Griveaux : que risque-t-on en diffusant des images à caractère sexuel ?Landes: passager d’une voiture sur l’autoroute, il reçoit une balle perdue dans l’épaule,Bridgestone Béthune: un communiqué de la direction sème le trouble après les discussions,Le youtubeur Marvel Fitness condamné à un an de prison ferme avec mandat de dépôt,Un avis de recherche lancé après la disparition inquiétante d’un trentenaire à Harnes.École: le protocole sanitaire est assoupli dès mardi, quelles sont les nouvelles règles?Belgique: finalement qui peut traverser la frontière et pour faire quoi?Forêt de Mormal : plus de 1 000 € d’amende pour l’auteur du dépôt sauvage,Coronavirus : plus de 60 pays riches vont aider les plus pauvres à se procurer un vaccin,Valenciennes: ils ont brûlé vif un homme, mais la justice écarte l’acte de barbarie. L’auteur de ce long texte est l’artiste russe Piotr Pavlenski, selon nos confrères de,La diffusion de ces vidéos a été accélérée jeudi par le partage sur Twitter du lien vers l’article de Piotr Pavlenski par,Dans un message envoyé à son équipe de campagne dans la soirée de jeudi, le candidat avait demandé à son entourage de ne pas répondre aux médias. Other images are snapshots of messages written on Instagram. Thailand has seen near-daily protests in recent weeks by students demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O-Cha,Members of the Kayapo tribe block the BR163 highway during a protest outside Novo Progresso in Para state, Brazil. He fled Russia and sought asylum in France when he was accused by the authorities of a sexual assault that he denied.He served seven months in jail for setting the front door of the FSB intelligence agency on fire in Moscow and later caused minor damage to a Banque de France branch by setting that alight.Before his arrest, he told French news channel LCI that Mr Griveaux was only the first politician that he would target, saying he would carry on fighting the "propaganda and puritanism of politicians".French media have traditionally avoided prying into the private lives of people in public life and a number of figures have referred distastefully to the "Americanisation" of politics.Russian activist sets fire to FSB Lubyanka door,Trump plan to fill Supreme Court spot gathers pace,At least 90 whales dead in stranding off Australia,Race against time to save stranded whales. It appears Griveaux and the woman were exchanging messages and photographs.The 42-year-old former spokesman for Macron’s government and his wife have three children and he has often mentioned them during his mayoral election campaign. The video scuppered Benjamin Griveaux's candidacy for mayor of Paris. Both were detained on Saturday but police did not initially reveal her arrest.She was arrested on charges of invasion of privacy and distributing personal images without consent, officials said.The video scuppered Benjamin Griveaux's candidacy for mayor of Paris.It was published on a little-known website that alleged Mr Griveaux, 42, had exchanged intimate mobile phone messages and footage with a young woman.Ms de Taddeo is suspected of being the recipient of the intimate footage, France's Le Figaro newspaper reported on Sunday, quoting the Paris prosecutor's office.Mr Pavlensky, a Russian who sought asylum in France in 2017, earlier said that he was responsible for posting the video, which showed a man involved in a sexual act.He was detained on Saturday as part of a separate investigation into an alleged brawl in Paris on 31 December involving "wilful violence with a weapon".Prosecutors later said that Ms de Taddeo, whom he had reportedly been in a relationship with since January 2019, was being held over the widely condemned release of the footage of Mr Griveaux.The politician had filed an invasion of privacy complaint hours before she was detained.The distribution of the clip, which spread quickly across social media last Thursday, brought condemnation from across the political spectrum.Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo said people's private lives should be respected.Far-left leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon condemned the video's release as "odious", while far-right leader Marine Le Pen suggested Mr Griveaux should not have quit.Mr Pavlensky has said he posted the video to expose what he sees as the politician's hypocrisy.Mr Griveaux, who is married with children and was once a government spokesman, condemned the distribution of the video as he withdrew his mayoral candidacy on Friday. As if all this was not enough, yesterday a new level was reached.”.Griveaux has received support since he withdrew from the race from politicians including the prime minister, Edouard Philippe, plus others who would more usually be his opponent. Benjamin Griveaux, who was standing for party of President Macron, lambasts ‘vile attacks’.Emmanuel Macron’s candidate for mayor of Paris in next month’s municipal elections has been forced to stand down after the leak of sexual images and messages online, blaming what he called “vile” attacks on his private life on social media.Benjamin Griveaux, who was standing for the president’s governing centrist La République En Marche (LREM) party, made the announcement on Friday morning less than 48 hours after the material was first posted to a website.“My family does not deserve this. It was published on a little-known website that alleged Mr Griveaux, 42, … Masks, which were already compulsory on public transport, in enclosed public spaces, and outdoors in Paris in certain high-congestion areas around tourist sites, were made mandatory outdoors citywide on August 28 to fight the rising coronavirus infections,Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe bows to the national flag at the start of a press conference at the prime minister official residence in Tokyo. The person who captured the phone screen on video then navigates to Benjamin Griveaux's Instagram profile page. The mission is part of the USA's largest moon to Mars exploration. Thousands of asylum seekers on the island of Lesbos are now homeless,Pope Francis takes off his face mask as he arrives by car to hold a limited public audience at the San Damaso courtyard in The Vatican,A home is engulfed in flames during the "Creek Fire" in the Tollhouse area of California,A couple take photos along a sea wall of the waves brought by Typhoon Haishen in the eastern port city of Sokcho,Novak Djokovic and a tournament official tends to a linesperson who was struck with a ball by Djokovic during his match against Pablo Carreno Busta at the US Open,Protesters confront police at the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne, Australia, during an anti-lockdown rally,A woman looks on from a rooftop as rescue workers dig through the rubble of a damaged building in Beirut. news,Exciting: The couple got married when the bride's days are numbered Israel today,After 77 years: A submarine was found in the depths of the sea Israel today,Real estate prices explode: absurd numbers for district in the Munich area emerged,Fugitive Offenders Ordinance | A 16-year-old man accused of possession of 2 cans of spray paint with intention to destroy property adjourned hearing,With this initiative, the mood of covid-19 patients in a hospital in Ecuador improves | Video | CNN,Libyan funding: the Sarkozy camp awaits a crucial decision for the continuation of the investigation,Russian Health allows testing of another vaccine against the Corona virus,SPIEGEL survey: majority considers racism study by the police to be necessary.What do we know about the intimate videos that caused a thunderbolt in the middle of the municipal campaign and which caused Benjamin Griveaux to withdraw from the race for mayor of Paris?At the end of the day this Friday, the now ex-candidate had not expressed himself clearly on the authenticity of these images which are attributed to him.It all starts on Wednesday, with the publication on an obscure pornographic site of an article devoted to Benjamin Griveaux.This site, registered last November in Canada, claims to denounce "civil servants and political representatives who lie to their voters by imposing Puritanism on society, while they despise it themselves".The article in question devoted to Benjamin Griveaux describes him "as an exemplary father" and follower of "family values", citing interviews granted by the member for Paris to several media in recent years.It also contains several screenshots of videos exchanged on social networks between an account assigned to the elected LREM and that of another person.One of them, undated and sent by an account named "Benjamin Griveaux" via the Messenger platform, shows a man masturbating, with a comment: "gift before dinner".Other images are snapshots of messages written on Instagram.One of these discussions dating from May 2018 evokes an intimate video exchange carried out shortly before.The person who captured the phone screen on video then navigates to Benjamin Griveaux's Instagram profile page.The last photo posted by the deputy of Paris makes it possible to date the recording of the screen between January 26 and 28.This article was published in three versions: one in Russian and two in French, one of which had the word "censured" added to the title.It is signed by a certain Piotr Pavlenski, also presented as being the creator of the site in the "About" tab.This Friday evening, the site was made inaccessible and displayed an error page, without us knowing why.This "Piotr Pavlenski" does exist: he is a Russian activist and artist, who has had the status of political refugee in France since May 2017.

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